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Antigone Retold in Durban

the woza habibi tour

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Antigone Retold is a reimagining of the ancient tale of Antigone, daughter of the cursed house of Oedipus and an anachronistic feminist icon who was centuries ahead of her time.  Our version follows the tale of Antigone as portrayed by a classical cast who speak the script as translated from Sophocles’ original play from 441 BCE. However, interspersed amongst this archaic narrative, we have exchanged the male chorus of “old Theban citizens” with contemporary commentary from The Seven Devils of Greek Mythology. This new iteration of an ancient text is meta-directed by Calliope, the muse of epic poetry, with her troupe of Dionysian dancers driving a new narrative forward. Antigone Retold therefore shines the proverbial spotlight on Athena, Hera, Medusa, Aphrodite, Megara and Pandora who provide us with the complicated contemplations of the 21st century feminist in relation to the original narrative of Antigone as it unfolds around them. 


The postmodern device of the exploded view became the lens through which Antigone Retold was reimagined. The production morphed into an immersive experience where the realms of design, education, literature, music, dance, cinema, art and performance art interacted not only with our audience but with one another too. Whilst the theatrical production remained the focus, opportunities were found as Lauren Noble curated the time before and after the play as if we had all stumbled upon a choose-your-own-adventure experience inside an imaginary museum. 


Antigone Retold: the interactive experience debuted in Dubai in November 2022 to great acclaim from performers, installation artists, collaborators and audiences of all ages. The play was later picked up by Emirates LitFest in February 2023. And now?


Now we're bringing it to my hometown of Durban, South Africa... Woza Habibi!

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The Dionysians and Devils...

dancing and acting audition

The Dionysians are the spirare of Calliope. They are literally her breath of inspiration, used to drive the narrative of Antigone Retold forward. Their interactions tread the lines drawn between the contemporary and classical casts. The Dionysians sometimes take the place of supporting characters and sometimes catalyse a reaction from the existent characters on stage... but one thing The Dionysians always do? Tell the story through gestural movement, choreographed routines and multiple styles of dance.


Our Durban production aims to provide each of The Seven Devils with two Dionysians as their attendants, tangibly tethering the two groups to one another in an even more direct way than the original. The Seven Devils will therefore also be required to participate in big choreographed sequences with an opportunity to embed solos and duets for any new Devils who may also have significant skill and training in dance. 


  • Medusa: Female. Age 16-21. The formidable female who was cursed by Athena. She is now both maiden... and monster.

  • Calliope: Female. Age 25+. The muse of epic poetry and leader of this chorus, Calliope is the ultimate disruptor.

  • Aphrodite : Female. Age 21+. The goddess of love who has spent eons in a world that disrespects her so deeply that she is still one of the only goddesses depicted more naked than she is clothed. 

  • Pandora: Female. Age 21+. A gift to man who became a curse to mankind... and all for the sins of Prometheus.

  • The Dionysians: Any gender. 16+. The Dionysians are dancers, however, those who wish to extend their acting skills by taking on larger performative roles can perform a short excerpt from this script.

Download the dance audition track below

Items to inspire your audition:

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Website Link Icon.png

Download the contemporary script below

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The Sophocleans...

acting audition only

Tasked with performing the traditional text of Sophocles' Antigone using a script translated from 2500 years ago, as well as some of our own poetic additions. Performers in this cast will be directed in performances that rely almost entirely on the strength of their dramatic acting and characterisation, as well as their ability to hold their own while the contemporary chorus performances become actively interwoven within their core narrative.​


  • Antigone: Female. Age 16-21. The tragic hero of a tale that feels centuries before its time...

  • Ismene: Female. Age 16-21. Antigone’s sister and her antithesis in many ways. She begins the play in a fully subservient state... but do we give her space to evolve?

  • Creon: Male. Age 25+. Antigone’s uncle and the newly crowned King of Thebes. A patriotic but deeply misguided individual.

  • Haemon: Male. Age 16-24. The voice of reason who finds himself caught between his duties as a son and his honour as a fiancé.

  • Tiresias: Any gender. Age 21+. Directly communing with The Devils, treading the world between now/then, sight/blindness, fact/ fantasy.

Download the classical script below

Items to inspire your audition:

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Website Link Icon.png

From Dubai...

our originating cast and crew

writer and creative director
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choreographer and curator
collaborator and megara
collaborator and athena
director of interactive
musical director and hera

© 2025 by Lauren Noble of Collab Company. All rights reserved.


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